Dienstag, 3. November 2009

My dream trip to the source

The Way to the Source
lies beyond these trees. Ye who seek shall find it and feel it when the time is ripe

Beware Ye who try to own it!

There are many crossings: some easy, others not so

Some have died who tried to change the flow.

The morning and evening are one day. The night schrouds the world in stillness

I struggle on in the dark

The path is high...

and long. The rising sun calls me on

at last...the Jewel of the Mountain - the Tear of the Clouds

I offer my thanks

And Tahawus looks down upon me, blessing me

I rest upon his bones.

and look out upon his world

4 Kommentare:

  1. Spectacular images Anna, thank you so much for sharing your journey!

  2. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.

  3. Hallo Mama,

    ein sehr schöner und toller Blog.
    Nun können wir uns auch von Blog zu Blog schreiben ;-)
    Deine Worte sind so poetisch gewählt.
    Ich finde Du solltest mit mir den Busser Blog und Website gestalten.
    Küsschen, Deine Sophia

  4. Thankyou Anna for sharing these picture images and thoughts of the journey you have been on. You seem to have been away for so long and so reasuring to have some insight into where you have been.
